Join us for songs, stories, words, letters, numbers, and general silliness in this kindergarten readiness storytime.
The Arizona Veterans History Project cordially invites veterans to document your stories for the Library of Congress, so that other generations may learn from your story. Guests are always welcome.
Baby Lapsit introduces the rhythm and beauty of language to babies ages birth-16 months.
Stories and songs for ages 0-5 and their favorite grownup, all with a focus on learning Baby Sign and American Sign Language.
Toddlertime incorporates stories, music, and movement for children ages 16-36 months.
Please join us the second Thursday of each month in the Main Library Board Room from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Call 480-644-3100 for more information. Other Info Count
For infants and young children, playing is learning. Join us after Family Sign Language Storytime for toys and activities that foster critical early literacy skills. Ages 0-5 years.
Want to learn how to download ebooks, movies, music, magazines, and more to your laptop, tablet, or e-reader? Stop by the HOTspot!Please have these things with you:
-Devices (this could be your tablet, laptop, smartphone)
Have thoughts about something? Do a 7-second video review! You can review anything: books, movies, your friends, the librarian's hairstyle -- whatever you have an opinion on.
October's discussion book is <i>Karolina's Twins</i> by Ronald Balson.
You don’t need to be a computer whiz to learn the fundamentals of coding. We’ll use logic games and exercises to help children build cognitive skills that will be a strong foundation for learning how to code. For ages 6-8.
Take your snacking to a new level by trying treats from around the world.Can you guess what flavor each snack item is or where it’s from? Come put your taste buds to the test! Teens ages 12-18.
Ever wanted to learn how to code? Learn how to make computer games and websites - no previous computer or coding experience necessary. Follow our lessons at your own pace, and you'll be coding in no time! For ages 8 and up.
Open the door to an exciting form of communication that’s fun, social, educational, and is a lifeline during times of need.
<a href="">Sign up</a> to complete your training on THINKspot equipment.
Celebremos el mes de la herencia hispana con coloridas manualidades para toda la familia. Sara, también exhibirá recuerdos que trajo de su viaje a Perú y Machu Picchu!
In this Cutting Edge Fitness class, get familiar with the introductory footwork, guards, and cuts of Historical European Martial Arts. Primarily focused on Longsword. No experience needed. Light sparring optional.