Banner Alzheimer's Workshop: As Dementia Progresses, Next Steps for Caregivers
This class helps caregivers to understand the moderate to advanced stages of Alzheimer’s disease/related dementia.
Monterey Park
7045 E. Monterey Avenue
Mesa, AZ 85209
United States
United States
Parking will be limited at the Main Library through May 2025 due to solar canopy construction. Learn more
This class helps caregivers to understand the moderate to advanced stages of Alzheimer’s disease/related dementia.
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers no-cost tax help to people who generally make $54,000 or less, persons with disabilities, the elderly, and limited English speaking taxpayers who need assistance in preparing their own tax
Baby Lapsit introduces the rhythm and beauty of language to babies. Birth-16 months.
Toddlertime incorporates stories, music, and movement into an engaging storytime for children. Ages 16-36 months.
This caregiver support group meets monthly after the Banner Alzheimer's workshop and is facilitated by social worker MaryLou Hernandez. Caregivers are encouraged to share concerns and problem solve in this supportive setting.&
Join us for songs, stories, words, letters, numbers, and general silliness in this storytime designed to get children ready for kindergarten. Ages 3-5.
Learn how to download ebooks, movies, music, magazines, and more to your laptop, tablet, or e-reader from our Digital Help Desk support team.
Participants will need an active Mesa Public Library card and 4-digit PIN.
Build your own robots with LEGO Mindstorm or VEX and code them to see what they can do! First time coding? No problem, instructions will be provided. For Ages 8+.
Code Commanders is a weekly series that challenges and builds its young users' understanding of how coding works. Ages 8-12.
February's selection is Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. Which was better, the book or the movie?
There are so many great games out there, and we want to try them all! If you love games as much as we do, join us every first and third Thursday to play a different game. This week's game is Escape Room: The Game. Ages 8-12.
"It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing!" This 3 part class series is an introduction to East Coast Swing dance (also known as "six-count swing" or "triple-step swing") including some of the basic movements and footwork of Lindy Hop and
This month we'll be making cards, quilling, and mosaics with broken CD's. Materials will be provided.
This month we'll be creating one of a kind stationery.