Parking at the Main Library

Limited parking will be available at the Main Library due to solar canopy construction starting January 30 through May 2025. Learn more

North Town: Heritage of a Black Community

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Educational, Movie

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Program Description

Event Details

North Town explores the once segregated Black community in Mesa, now known as Washington-Escobedo, a Heritage neighborhood. The film examines this small community and visits with some residents, past and present, to discover their experiences and connection to the national Civil Rights Movement, professional sports, politics, churches, and racism in Mesa, Arizona and America.

Bruce Nelson is an independent art exhibit curator, documentary filmmaker and published author. His work as a curator of museum exhibitions and documentarian focuses heavily on his experience living in the once-segregated Washington-Escobedo neighborhood.  His documentary North Town was an official selection in the Jerome Indie Film & Music Festival, the On Line American Film Awards Festival, the Sir Charles Darwin Film Festival (UK), and was recently awarded an Exceptional Merit from the Docs without Borders Film Festival.