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Talk Science with Arizona Museum of Natural History: Archaeology of the Ice Age megafauna hunters of Sonora and Arizona

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Educational, STEAM

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Program Description

Event Details

The Sonoran Desert we know today was a very different place 13 thousand years ago, when now-extinct megafauna roamed these lands at the end of the last ice age and encountered a species new to this continent: humans. Dr. Ismael will talk about the archaeological sites of Sonora and Arizona that give us clues to how these animals and the first Sonoran people interacted. Spoiler alert! It did not always end well for the megafauna. Please Note: This program will be presented in Spanish with English language subtitles.

El Desierto de Sonora que conocemos hoy era un lugar muy diferente hace 13 mil años, cuando al final de la última edad de hielo megafauna hoy en día extinta habitaba este territorio y se encontró con una especie nueva en el continente: humanos. El Dr. Ismael hablará acerca de los sitios arqueológicos de Sonora y Arizona que brindan pistas acerca de cómo estos animales y los primeros sonorenses interactuaron. Alerta de spoiler: no siempre terminó bien para la megafauna.      

This series is sponsored by the Arizona Museum of Natural History Foundation.

Continue the conversation over some food and beverages following the lecture with an optional dinner gathering in Downtown Mesa. Please note that this dinner is not sponsored by the library, and attendees are responsible for covering their own dinner expenses.

Upcoming Talk Science Programs:
June 6